Orange Glad – June 2014 Review

Today is a day of playing pretend. Let’s pretend I don’t have a mile high stack of paperwork on my desk that I’m neglecting. Let’s pretend that I am a perfectly responsible adult capable of choosing an adequate breakfast. Let’s pretend that adequate breakfast consisted of like 30 mini reese cups, then EVERYTHING IN THIS BOX.

Let’s also pretend I didn’t know this was blurry.

Orange Glad Sweet Box
15$ Per Month + 6.95$ Shipping
Ships 2nd Week of Month via USPS

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Orange Glad – May 2014 The Missing Brownie


Yesterday I posted my review of my Orange Glad May 2014 box, only to have two Welsh Cakes and no brownie. I contacted Orange Glad and they sent me the brownie practically immediately, in it’s own Orange Glad branded box, wrapped in orange tissue paper. I got my non-brownie Orange Glad box on Wednesday, got the brownie box today. Now THAT’S how you do customer service ladies and gents.

Fine Sconehenge Baking Co. Ultimate Brownie – Gluten Free Version

Mother of God this is RICH. I normally only like brownies in my Hot Fudge Sundae’s, but since the ingredients had no mention of nuts whatsoever, I went for it. This little brownie is VERY heavy for being such a compact thing (that little package is 3.2oz). This has pretty basic ingredients.

Look at this list:

Pure Cane Sugar, Eggs, Dark Chocolate, Butter, Rice Flour, Cocoa Butter, Canola Oil, Sea Salt.

I think this could have benefited from some milk chocolate or something, it’s both bitter and sweet at the same time which I am painfully aware makes little sense. It definitely tastes like a brownie, which I’m sure is a win for the gluten free bunch. The only complaint I’d have is it has a unpleasant after taste because of the dark chocolate. If you’re curious about these guys, they make much more than brownies, and I’d personally love to try their chocolate chip scones.

If you’ve been considering Orange Glad, I highly recommend them too. Excellent customer service, which seems to be pretty rare for a company anymore.