Memebox Superbox #58 – Lipstick Box Review


Another lip box from Memebox? Perfect!

Yeah this box was pretty much made for me.


Am I even remotely capable of taking a straight picture? NOPE.

20141017_141227I love how the Shara Shara lipstick has specific instructions on how to apply it, while all the others basically say DO WHATEVER WHAT YOU WANT, DUDE.


Shara Shara Feminine Glossy Lipstick in Flower Peach – $12

This is probably my favorite lipstick in the box. It smells delightfully of peaches, and I spent a good ten minutes just sniffing it and accidentally getting it on my nose. Don’t judge me. I think the packaging is really cute, too! This moisturizing lipstick has a very slick texture, almost like a lip gloss. The glossy peach-pink color is subtle, but quite pretty.

20141017_144433Enesti Bijou Bijou Lipstick in Edge Red – $12

This lipstick is a pretty, but nondescript red. It’s somewhat sheer and decently moisturizing. It’s got a hint of gloss to it.

20141017_144643Cheek Room Lipstick in Nude Brown – $12

I received a Cheek Room lipstick in my All About Lips box, so I was perfectly happy to try it again in a new color. I was pleased to see that this one has a much creamier texture than the other. The color payoff is pretty decent, as is the actual shade itself.

20141017_144806Karadium Movie Star Lipstick in Royal Pink – $29

The most expensive lipstick in the box is also one of my least favorites. It’s the only lipstick in here that’s even remotely drying. It also really needs a liner. That being said, if you can pull off this eye-watering hot pink shade, you’ll probably love this lipstick. The color payoff is tremendous with only a single swipe. It’s also by far the longest lasting lipstick in this box.

20141017_144842Hope Girl Milky Balm Lipstick in Sand Beige – $22

This was my first experience with Hope Girl, which constantly shows up in various Memeboxes. I really dig the leopard print gold tube. The lipstick itself is very smooth and creamy (a general theme with this box), and is a bit brighter and more sand-colored (hence the name) than the Cheek Room lipstick. It also lasts quite a while, though not nearly as long as the Karadium does.


I Myss 3D Cinema Transform Lipstick in Sexy Red – $14

This lipstick changes color! According to the info card this one is supposed to become a more vibrant red when applied. The info card lies. It’s really a sheer pink that needs a few swipes to get decent color payoff. I’m really disappointed that I didn’t get this in Pretty Blue or Wine Purple. Something about the packaging just seems cheap to me. Mine actually broke short after I photographed it. Sigh…

20141017_141801From top to bottom: Shara Shara, Enesti, Cheek Room, Karadium, Hope Girl, & I Myss

20141017_145317This box was a huge hit for me. Seriously, how could I not love a box filled with lipsticks? I am determined to find a way to pull off that violently pink Karadium, and despite breaking the I Myss, it’s still usable. For me, the star of the box was the lovely scented Shara Shara, but I can see myself wearing all of these lipsticks. Will I continue to get any lip boxes Memebox puts out? Absolutely.

D Lys paid for this box. All opinions are my own. This post contains an affiliate link.


5 thoughts on “Memebox Superbox #58 – Lipstick Box Review

  1. I love the variety of colors in this box! Lipstick is really the only thing I’m currently lacking in my makeup collection but I never seem to receive any in my boxes 😦 But now I know that if a Lipstick Box #2 is released….it shall be mine! 😀


  2. I am borderline canceling everything for memeboxes. Too bad they take too long to ship. I’d go nuts waiting LOL


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