Thursday Thoughts

TTGood-copyLinking up with the always fabulous Jen at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Thursday Thoughts again.

We’ve been “remodeling” here at work, in preparation for a new co-worker. I am not excited in the least because I’ve always been in this mantra of NO NEW PEOPLE especially NO NEW MEAN GIRLS. I’m also not excited because with the addition of a second floor and two staircases means more things to clean… and people to clean up after…  The only room not getting touched is mine, but with our layout, I’m really waaaaaay out of the way anyway.

Yesterday I caved and bought a NYX palette from the HauteLook sale. I literally went from having absolutely no cosmetics whatsoever to having such an overabundance that I need storage options. Hence why I’m going to Michael’s Saturday. I’ve been wanting to redo my bathroom for awhile (think 1990’s mauve) so I hope to make some curtains and install some shelving. I may make my own mirror too. I’d like to redo the vanity mirror too because seems like the lightbulbs are CONSTANTLY going out, but that’s a project for another day. I did buy that rotating organizer from QVC but now I need a place to put the rotating organizer.

I should be getting my DarbySmart DIY box this week, and it looks to be etched jars. I want to get into candle making too, so I may get a kit while I’m at Michael’s. I say I want to do these things, I buy the materials and never do. One time I bought a bookcase, painted it the color I wanted, and it sat un-assembled for the better part of a year. I have tons of crochet yarn I have never used. I bought perler beads and a peg board and NEVER USED THEM.

Why do I do these things. Ugh.

Boxes Coming Soon: Lip Monthly, DarbySmart DIY
Reviews Coming Soon: Ipsy, Madison Reed

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